ANTLERS is a 2021 supernatural horror film directed by Scott Cooper. It’s about a school teacher and her police officer brother in a small Oregon town, where they become convinced one of her students is harboring a supernatural creature.  Adapted from Nick Antosca’s short story “The Quiet Boy,” there are tangential references to the Wendigo, a prominent and terrifying fixture in the culture of the First Nations Algonquian tribe. The creature was born out of a myth that, when the English settled in America, they took many of the valuable resources, leaving Native Americans to starve. It represents greed and colonialism.  As the story goes, because those Native Americans had no resources left to survive, they were forced into cannibalism. The taste for human flesh that developed was what supposedly gave birth to the wendigo.  Producer del Toro stated in the Antlers Comic-Con@Home panel, the wendigo is a metaphor for “what we do to nature and what we do to each other
The film stars Keri RussellJesse Plemons, Jeremy T. Thomas, Graham GreeneScott HazeRory Cochrane, and Amy Madigan. The screenplay, written by C. Henry Chaisson, Nick Antosca, and Cooper.